Document 1872 DOCN M94A1872 TI Ambulatory care system for Cuban HIV-positives. DT 9412 AU de la Concepcion JC; Perez J; Torres R; Sanatorium Santiago de las Vegas, La Habana, Cuba. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):432 (abstract no. PD0338). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370703 AB OBJECTIVES: To describe the Ambulatory Care System for HIV-positives and AIDS cases in Cuba METHODS: All persons diagnosed as HIV-positives from April 1986 through December 1994 were selected for this study. (screening test: ELISA (ORGANON TECNIK, PASTEUR TECNIC) confirmatory test: Western Blot (ORGANON TECNIKA, PASTEUR TECNIC). The most part of the selected persons were admited in one of the 13 Comprehensive Care Centers (Sanatoriums) throughout the country. Estimations of incubation and survival time were made using Kaplan-Meier curves and correlations using parametric and non-parametric tests. RESULTS: Cuban HIV-positive Care System has been in constant evolution and has been criticized because Cuba adopted a different strategy from the rest of the world. However our results show slowness of the epidemic curve with 1007 HIV-positives diagnosed since 1986, 251 AIDS cases and 160 deaths due to AIDS. The incubation period is around 11 years and the Survival time 18 months. CONCLUSIONS: Our care system offers the posibility of early diagnosis, treatment and comprehensive Education wich have result in an slowness of both AIDS and HIV epidemic when compared with other countries over the world. Highly specialized medical management is offered with the possibility of Ambulatory Care System since 1993 that involve family Doctors and community in general. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/THERAPY *Ambulatory Care AIDS Serodiagnosis Cuba Human HIV Seropositivity/*THERAPY MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).